Dolores Elliott Beadwork Publications
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Iroquois Beadwork Volume 1: A Short History is a 16 page booklet on the development of Iroquois beadwork over time. It identifies and illustrates in full color the chronology of Iroquois beadwork from the late 18th to the early 21st centuries.

Iroquois Beadwork Volume 2: An Identification Guide is a 28 page booklet describing the different types of Iroquois beadwork and how to identify them. Eighty different types are described and illustrated.

Iroquois Beadwork Volume 3: An Exhibit, Conference, And More. This 20 page booklet contains the catalog for the 2009 exhibit Sewing the Seeds: 200 Years of Iroquois Glass Beadwork that was at the Rockwell Museum of Western Art in Corning, NY guest and curated by Dolores Elliott. It also contains information and pictures from the First International Iroquois Beadwork Conference that was held in September, 2009, in conjunction with the exhibit.

Iroquois Beadwork Volume 4: Canoes and Horseshoes Canoes and horseshoes are two of the many forms of Iroquois beadwork. Out of the dozens of different types of Iroquois beadwork developed in the last two centuries, these two forms are described together in this publication because they share several characteristics.

Iroquois Beadwork Volume 5: Strawberries, Birds, and TreesThree of the over eighty forms of Iroquois beadwork are featured in this twenty page guidebook. Strawberries, birds, and trees are included together because they share the characteristic of being three-dimensional; they have no defined front and back so they can be viewed from all sides. Over one hundred pieces of beadwork are pictured.

Print this page and mail the form and payment, in US funds, payable through a US bank, payable to DOLORES ELLIOTT to:
   Dolores Elliott
   28 Zevan Road
   Johnson City, NY 13790

Quantity Item Price US 1st Class Mail Canada 1st Class Mail NYS Tax US Total NYS Total With Tax Canada Total

Volume 1 $9.95 $2.00 $3.00 $0.96 $11.95 $12.91 $12.95

Volume 2 $12.95 $2.00 $3.00 $1.20 $14.95 $16.15 $15.95

Volume 3 $11.95 $2.00 $3.00 $1.12 $13.95 $15.07 $14.95

Volume 4 $9.95 $2.00 $3.00 $.96 $11.95 $12.91 $12.95

Volume 5 $9.95 $2.00 $3.00 $.96 $11.95 $12.91 $12.95

Vol 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 $50.00 $5.00 $7.00 $4.40 $55.00 $59.40 $57.00

Wholesale quantities of each publication are available. Please ask for prices.

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